ســـازمــان قطار شهــری قــم

Qom Urban Railway Organization

About Qom Urban Railway Organization

11 اسفند 1393

Metro Project – Line AMonorail Project


About Qom Urban Railway Organization


Qom Urban Railway Organization was established in 2008 with the aim of managing urban railway projects of  Qom and it has benefited from efforts of city officials since it`s start. This organization has excelled in urban railway projects including metro-line A and the monorail by managing resources and eliminating obstacles successfully until now.

Qom is the eighth among Iranian cites in terms of its population. it is also the second most eminent Pilgrimage destination in Iran after Mashhad .Moreover the city is the most significant center of religious scholarship and attracts students and scholars from inside and outside the country.

Qom is located at a critical junction of different areas of Iran. It connects northern and southern provinces. It is also a connecting point between the southwestern and central areas of Iran. In addition, this city hosts millions of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world and Iran yearly. These factors make Qom`s traffic and transportation planning very important.



Findings and consequences of Qom comprehensive traffic studies cause to determine amount of trip request, lines specifications and places of stations, following a combinatorial corridor contains metro-line A and monorail have been selected that they are being constructed at now.

According to these traffic studies, five corridors of the urban railways have been determined for Qom, two of them have superior traffic council enactment including metro-line A and the monorail. These corridors cover different areas of Qom as following:



Metro line A project

Metro-line A is 14.8 KLM in length, It starts from northwest of Qom in Ghale Kamkar area and continues toward the holy shrine  and the central areas, and finally ends at Qom southeast in the holy mosque of Jamkaran.

This line has 14 stations which have been named from A1 to A14 respectively. Passenger platforms are placed at both sides of the line. the average length of each station is 109 meters and the average space between per station is 1 KLM.

The primary station of this line is located near Jamkaran mosque and it`s depot is placed in Ghale Kamkar. The depot is located at the end of the corridor and it`s extent is 37 Hectare, Repair and maintenance operations for train wagons are done there.

Qom metro tunnel excavation is done In two ways:1- Traditional Excavation 2- Mechanized Excavation. About 10.3 KLM of entire route length is excavated by EPB-TBM machine (from Ghale Gamkar area to Valiasr square) and about 4 KLM of the route is excavated traditionally and 500 m of the end of route is done openly. Metro First operation Phase contains 6 staions from A9(Motahari square) to A14(Ghale Kamkar) approximately 5 KLM in length.


Metro Line A Specifications and stations:



Monorail Project

The first monorail corridor of Iran is being constructed in Qom. This project started in 2009 with the aim of developing Qom public transportation. It connects north of  Qom to it`s south. this corridor has a crossroad with the metro project in Motahari square . The entire authorized track of the monorail is 18 KLM with two executive phases, the length of the first phase is 6.8 KLM with 8 stations and  another phase has not been started yet. In order to supply required electricity power for monorail cars, a 63/20 KV substation with 1760 m2 of extent has been constructed beside this project in Navvab street. Because of space limitation this substation has been selected GIS type. This post has more than 95 percent progress at present. It is ready to operate for the monorail power supplement and also the metro power supplement.

Monorail Specifications and stations:





The first operational phase of monorail:

The first operational phase of monorail contains a route with 4.7 KLM in length with 6 stations (from Payane to Motahari) which is currently under construction. All stations are 81 meters in length and 21 meters in width. In addition, they have been constructed in 2 floors with a 3500 area.

Each station has a technical and administrative room in the first floor and passenger train boarding platform is located in the second floor. At the second floor there are places for passenger sitting , an escalator, an elevator and an emergency telephone on both sides.



Public Relations of Qom Urban Railway Organization

phone number: +98-25-36652662      +98-25-36650308

Fax: +98-25-36653045

Postal code: 3718163313




تگ ها :
آخرین اخبار

بازدید مدیران بانک سپه استان قم از مترو قم

مدیر منطقه بانک سپه در استان قم به همراه معاونین، از ایستگاه میدان شهید مطهری بازدید و در جریان روند پیشرفت مترو قم قرار گرفت.

آمادگی راه اندازی فاز نخست خط ۱ مترو قم از سال گذشته

مدیر عامل سازمان قطار شهری شهرداری قم؛ مترو قم می‌تواند تا یک ماه آینده راه اندازی شود

صنعت موتور محرکه اقتصاد و عامل توسعه کشور

انگشت باف مدیر عامل سازمان قطار شهري قم با صدور پیامی ضمن تقدیر از تلاش های فعالان عرصه صنعت به ویژه صنایع مرتبط با  پروژه های مترو و منوریل، روز دهم تیر ماه را که به عنوان روز صنعت و معدن نامگذاری گردیده  را تبریک گفت.

مناسب سازی ایستگاه‌های مترو قم برای معلولان و نابینایان

معاون فنی و اجرایی سازمان قطار شهری قم گفت: پروژه متروی قم در بحث طراحی و اجرا با توجه به ضوابط و مقررات معماری برای افراد دارای معلولیت و نابینایان طراحی و مناسب‌سازی شده است.

بازدید مدیران استان و شهرداری از پروژه های قطار شهری

استاندار قم: به واسطه زحمات همکاران  شهرداری و سازمان قطار شهری، اقدامات خوبی در پروژه مترو قم صورت گرفته است.

برق دار شدن فاز نخست خط یک مترو قم

مدیر عامل سازمان قطار شهري قم، برق دار شدن فاز نخست خط یک مترو را گام مهمی در جهت راه اندازی و بهره برداری از این پروژه کلان در جهت خدمت رسانی به شهروندان دانست.

تبریک روز کارگر توسط مدیرعامل سازمان قطار شهری قم

انگشت باف مدیر عامل سازمان قطار شهري قم با صدور پیامی ضمن تقدیر از تلاش های کارگران زحمتکش پروژه های مترو و منوریل، فرا رسیدن هفته کار و کارگر را تبریک گفت.

استفاده از ظرفیت شرکت های دانش بنیان در پروژه مترو قم

معاون بهره برداری سازمان قطار شهری قم: استفاده از توان و ظرفیت های شرکت های دانش بنیان و توانمند داخلی از ابتدای پروژه مترو قم تا کنون در اولویت های سازمان قطار شهری قرار داشته است.

تست و تحویل گیری موانع انتهایی خط یک مترو قم

معاون بهره برداریسازمان قطار شهری شهرداری قم از تأمین موانع انتهای پروژه خط یک مترو قم با استفاده از توان داخلی و تولیدکنندگان داخلی خبر داد.

آیت الله اعرافی: پیشرفت پروژه مترو قم نسبت به بازدید سال 1397 قابل توجه است

مدیر حوزه‌های علمیه سراسر کشور با حضور در ایستگاه مترو شهید مطهری ضمن بازدید از روند احداث این ایستگاه در جریان آخرین وضعیت اجرای پروژه بزرگ خط یک مترو قم قرار گرفت.